Wednesday, March 16, 2011

aotearoa (new zealand)

Matt and I lived in New Zealand for a year when we were in our early twenties. We bought an old Toyota Lite Ace van that we named the Spruce Moose, we travelled around the two islands, sleeping in our van on beaches, in paddocks, by glaciers, national parks and even the side of the highway. It seems so long ago now, like it never happened. We drank boxed wine, made friends with fire dancing brits, worked in a cafe, tied vines in the vineyards, worked on a fishing boat and sold jewellery and handmade cards at the farmers markets. My sister lived in Blenheim at the time with her husband and we stayed with them whenever we weren't in the van on the road.
It was a most incredible year and I miss it. I miss the freedom, the beauty and the adventure. The memories are so amazing that sometimes the whole year feels like a dream.

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